Thursday, March 11, 2010

#20 (Week 9) Discover YouTube

I love watching old Country music TV shows from America, so I posted this video from "The Porter Wagoner Show" it features Dolly Parton (she got her showbiz start here)
I already had a YouTube account so I was familiar with this site as I watch videos regularly. It's one of my favourite sites because it's almost impossible to track down these old TV show in shops and even on Amazon (and similar websites) I love the fact that you can favourite videos to watch whenever you want, however they do disappear over time as a whole lot of my favourite videos were removed because of copyright issues. It would be great to be able to save them onto a DVD or onto your computer, Youtube doesn't allow you to download them onto your computer. A friend of mine has done this successfully, I tried doing it the other day but I you need to download an FLV player from certain websites in order to do it.

It was great to see the winning Auckland City reference interview video and this was used in our customer service training programme last year along with some other videos made by staff. Youtube is a great to train and entertain staff!

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